Release version 0.3.0
September was another month of substantial progress. We were able to achieve the main month objectives of adding device configuration and user roles.
User roles
A user role is defined for each user and controls which pages the user can access. There will be an additional access control feature added later control access to labs and other assets.
Device configuration
Devices configurations can be pulled and pushed to devices. Configurations can be pushed/pulled through the right click node menu while inside a lab. Additionally, there is a config editor with diff view that allows you to provision the configuration that will be pushed to a node.
Development Changes
Vue CLI 3.0
The frontend development environment has changed to use vue cli 3.0. This allows for a simpler development enviroment.
Other changes
The frontend development environment has changed to use vue cli 3.0. This allows for a simpler development environment. This has also resulted in a reduction in size for the frontend JS files.
Focus for next release 0.4.0
This month the focus will be on migrating all of the php code to golang. This will allow for a single binary for the frontend (and eventually the whole application). It will also remove several dependencies (webserver, composer, php).